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How to Manage Keyword Recommendations

Get Keyword Recommendations to optimize your keyword bids. Achieve the best overall performance of your ACOS. Increase sales, reduce losses

Exact keyword recommendations are system generated recommendations based on the Target ACOS we’ve configured in the listing menu and the keyword’s performance history. 

The system distinguishes between 3 different exact keyword scenarios:

  1. Exact Keywords without sales – which are keywords that we’ve spent a budget on and haven’t generated any sales.
  2. Exact Keywords above our Target ACOS which means we’ve spent more than we planned to spend.
  3. Exact Keywords below our Target ACOS  

We can create custom scenarios using the ‘custom’ option and toggle between the scenarios using the top menu.

Keyword Recommendations metrics filter

The recommendations can be filtered by one or more campaigns, by ASINs and in addition we have the option to search for a keyword using the search box.


Date Filter
The recommendations can be viewed based on their performance during the last 7, 14 or 30 days. What this means is that the 7 days period will display recommendations based on the the performance of the last 7 days disregarding the previous period.
The date range we select should be based on the periods we optimize our keywords. If we optimize them once a week or more we should use the 7 days view.

Date filter

Default sorting is based on our losses under the Target column. We can sort the results by other parameters by clicking on their column name. Only those displayed on the page will be sorted e.g. if we have selected to display only 10 recommendations per page only these will be sorted.

Triggering a search
Clicking on the keyword text will trigger a search for it in Amazon 

Viewing more details
Clicking on a row will display additional information related to the keyword helping us make an informed decision. This includes the keywords full path, the ASINs included in its ad group, bid information and more. 

detailed view

The NPACOS represents the expected ACOS should the next click lead to a purchase. Keywords without sales don’t have an ACOS and the NPACOS gives us an estimate on where we currently stand.

Performance History
The graph displays key parameters performance over the last 30 days. We can select up to 2 key parameters at a time from the list above the graph and correlate between their behavior. 

Selecting the date range selector will allow us to increase the historical view to 60 or 90 days

Performance history

The system provides an explanation, possible cause and recommendation for the keywords current performance. These help us understand the situation and what we can do to address it.


Adopting Bid Recommendations

Exact keyword recommendations include bid adjustment recommendations.
The recommendations are based on the Target ACOS we’ve set and the keyword’s performance history.
There are 2 recommendations to choose from:

  1. Option 1 is the optimal bid recommendation
  2. Option 2 is a more moderate and is half of the optimal recommendation (optimal/2)
bid adjustment

We don’t need to accept the recommendations. We can select to change the bid to a different value or snooze or pause the keyword according to our understanding.

Big Guard Rails
We can set guardrails for the bid recommendations under the settings. Guardrails include a Min/Max bid change by percentage or $

Any action we take through the system will be executed immediately in Amazon and there’s no need to go to seller central or vendor central to execute them.