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How to Set a Custom Target ACOS

Learn how to set a custom target ACoS, for a campaign, ad group or even a keyword. Aggressively work on your campaign with the highest revenue.

The system allows us to set a custom Target ACOS for a campaign, ad group or keyword.

This is useful when we have a campaign we want to promote more aggressively or a keyword we MUST appear in and are willing to spend more on.

Setting up a custom Target ACOS can be performed in 2 locations:

In the Recommendation Section

Expanding a term displays it’s hierarchy path.


Clicking on the campaign, ad group or keyword will allow us to set a custom Target ACOS for it


In the Custom Target ACOS menu

We can set a custom target ACOS from the top section of the menu.
We will start by selecting a campaign from the campaign drop down


Once we’ve selected a campaign we will be able to either set a Target ACOS for the campaign or select an ad group


Entering a Target ACOS and clicking on ‘ADD’ will set that Target ACOS for the all of campaigns ad groups and keywords.

Selecting an ad group will allow us to set a Target ACOS for the ad group or select a keyword related to the ad group


Once we add a custom ACOS it will appear in the Custom target ACOS table below where we can easily modify it or remove it.
