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Setting up the listings tab

Learn more about the set up your listings on Amazon through RevenueWize.

Below you will find all the information you need to learn about the listings tab and how to set it up.

After you completed the Amazon authorization and created your RevenueWize account, your next step would be to set up the listings tab.

The tab is located on the left-hand menu, as shown below:


What do you see in the listings tab, and how to set up the “Break-even ACOS” and the “Target ACOS” (see image below)

  1. Here you can see your store name. If you have more than one store on Amazon, you will be able to choose here which store to present.
  2. Default Break-even ACOS – Here you can set what is your default break-even ACOS percentage. This will take effect only if you do not set a number for a specific listing (You will see “Not set” in the “Break-even ACOS” column for a specific listing).
  3. Default Target ACOS – Here you can set what is your default target ACOS percentage. This will take effect only if you do not set a number for a specific listing (You will see “Not set” in the “Target ACOS” column for a specific listing).
  4. Listing details – You can see the image, ASIN, and title of the specific listing on Amazon.
  5. Here you can see the price of the products on Amazon and fees paid to Amazon for each product. The fees are auto-calculated using Amazon’s fees calculator and may take some time to appear. You can see the breakdown of the fees by hovering over the info icon next to the number.
  6.   This is the most important piece of the listings tab. Here you will be able to edit the “Break-even ACOS” and the “Target ACOS”. Here is how the “Break-even ACOS” is calculated: (Sale price – Amazon fees – Cost of goods) / sale price = break-even ACOS percentage. For example, if you are selling a product on Amazon for $20, the Amazon fees are $4 and the COGS are $3, then the pre ad profit per sale is $20 – $4 – $3 = $13. Then you divide the pre ad profit per sale by the sale price and you get the break-even ACOS percentage – $13/$20 = 55%. The “Target ACOS” is set by you and could be lower, equal, or higher than the “Break-even ACOS” depending on your strategy. 