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New Features & Updates - January 7, 2020

We have added some features ASIN filter, Snooze, Performance enhancement, Changes to the historical views on RevenueWize.

ASIN filter

Once an ASIN(s) is selected it will display all the terms is associated with (whether alone in an ad group or grouped with other ASINs)

You may combine the ASIN filter with the campaign filter.

The filter is available in all search terms and product targeting screens.

ASIN selector

“Snooze” now available in the ‘Impressions Drop’ menu

We’ve added the snooze action to the impressions drop screen as well. The function works the same as on the other screens. 

snooze - ID

Performance enhancement

We made improvements related to the time it takes for an action to be completed.  All actions are executed much faster than before. 

Changes to the historical views

Search terms and product targeting graphs now include up to 90 days of history. You can select between 30 / 60 / 90 days view on the bottom right side of the graph. 

historical view 90